About Me

Hi, I am so glad you dropped by! My name is Marciana Gillispie. You’ve reached a blog which is a little bit about everything. I know they say you should pick a topic and blog about it, but topics are little friends to me. It’s hard to pick just one. So come join me on my crazy journey as I introduce you first to my family. My family is a bit unusual in the fact that we don’t live the normal American life. We are missionaries to Papua New Guinea. For more info on this, check out http://www.ttmk.org and scroll down to my family ( read about the other ones too.) As such we have traveled a lot of miles, met a lot of new friends, and hopefully gained a little wisdom on the way. This family includes my husband, John, myself, our two sons, and Baby Girl. Also, occasional appearances by Nana, Poppy, Uncle Josh, and Princess Abigail.

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